Our daycare provider: Had an 8 pm crisis. No minties (aka blankets) for bedtime. Cue the meltdown and hatred for the backup minties. They simply aren't acceptable even though they were also made by Nanni out of the same materials. Apparently it just isn't the same. 3 are favorites and they must travel from home to daycare and back home every day. I love toddlers. I sent a quick text to our daycare provider while running to the car. She assured me that she had them and would hang them on the front porch for me to grab. Lifesaver status! 20 minutes later, back home and safely tucked into a little boy's bed.
The January Starbucks tumbler. Heaven for 31 days. It's a 16 oz (grande) tumble that retails for $30. You purchase the tumbler and every day in January, you can present it at any Starbucks location for a free refill. By my calculations, in the Chicagoland area, a grande black coffee is roughly $2.32. Multiply that by 31 (if you have a mild addiction-- more for severe coffee abusers) and it makes financial sense in no time at all. This is my most anticipated Christmas gift from Felipe every year.
A planner. I recently ordered the Plum Paper Planner which should have arrived today but the blasted USPS did not deliver. I'll have to review for the internets at another time. I can't wait!
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